Outsmarting the Super Skrull

First Look Review of Doctor Strange #3


Sorcerer Supreme of the Galaxy: Part Three

By Mark Waid and Jesus Saiz. Published by Marvel Comics, 2018.

Though this is a tie-in to the Infinity Countdown event it flows pretty nicely into the current situation with Stephen and his adventures in space. The basic idea being that the Doctor had lost his mojo on Earth and was unable to even sense magic. So he took a ship from Tony Stark and flew off into space to see if he could figure out a solution to his problem elsewhere in the galaxy. Along the way he met up with an arcanologist, Kanna, who not only helped show him that magic was still available to him, but also helped him outta a difficult situation in the last issue.

In this issue we see the two adventurers gallivanting around the galaxy finding, digging up, and stealing all kinds of magic items. And I have the say the art is fantastic and the montage is fun for all until they come across Tarnax II. This is where things get real interesting and where Doctor Strange must step back into the persona of the Sorcerer Supreme.

Sure, he might not have all his abilities back but the fun and games are over for the moment when he realizes that the Super Skrull has his hands on the Time Gem. One imaginative move on the part of the Kl’rt and things can get really messed up for Stephen, Earth, and the galaxy. Fortunately, the Skrull has no imagination.

The First time I saw the Super Skrull was in Fantastic Four #18 where Reed and his crew took him down. And while I’m sure a bunch of things happened in the 50+ years in between, the next time I saw him was in Infinity Countdown: Prime #1 (in early 2018) where he gained possession of the Time Stone.

And while that was published in February of 2018 and this issue of Doctor Strange came out in July, we see Kl’rt still seems to have the stone…at least until Doctor Strange steals it from him.

Yup, Stephen and his reluctant accomplice, Kanna, manage to grab the Time Stone from the Skrull.

The battle’s pretty cool and the art is well laid out as Stephen outsmarts the Skrull to zap him with what little magic ability he currently has, only multiplied by the power of the Time Stone. In all, it’s a fun issue and I’m really enjoying the galactic escapades of the Doctor with or without magic.

The one problem I have with this issue is the black on dark purple lettering of the narration boxes for the Doc. I often read on my iPhone while taking a walk and this color scheme for the boxes is really hard to read in the sunlight. The rest is great though.

I give this issue a First Look Rating of a B+ and am looking forward to seeing further installments as they come to Marvel Unlimited.

This comic can be found on Marvel Unlimited, Comixology or at your local comic book shop.

Comic Corner | First Look Review of Doctor Strange #3