Looking at the Jump Jump Bracket

According to Mammals Suck…Milk!, the Jump Jump Bracket is filled with animals that have some kind of special jump, hop, or jag. From the top seeded Bengal Tiger to the lowly Ringtail Cat, these animals are looking to leap into the championship.

Obviously the Bengal Tiger is a pretty formidable #1 seed to compete against but with their population below 3000 it’s clear that while they might be powerful they are severely endangered and that could highlight some vulnerabilities they have when they’re not in their comfort zone.
The 2nd seed Markhor looks pretty formidable and being the national animal of Pakistan may give it a leg up on the competition.

Other competitors are a bit cuter than fierce such as the 7th seed Sifaka, the 13 seeded Stoat, or the 15 seed Streaked Tenrec, but we’ve seen some of these small beauties take down much larger opponents in prior years so it’ll be interesting to see how the matches play out this time around.
On first glance though I think I might just put my money on the five seeded Serval from this bracket since they seem pretty aggressive when they need to be but then they’re also very agile to get outta difficult situations.