Could Watchmen on HBO Be Good?

I’m a bit worried about the Watchmen show coming up on HBO. From the looks of the trailer there are some good things and somethings that I think might be a bit questionable.

Ok…I think the casting looks good with Jeremy Irons playing Ozymandius. I loved him in The Borgias and think he’s a great actor. I’m kinda looking forward to seeing the character Regina King is gonna play since I enjoyed her in 24 and The Leftovers. And of course Don Johnson might not be the best actor in the world but flashbacks to Miami Vice aren’t all that bad.

No, my concerns are about the tone that they seem to be setting with the trailer. I’m not sure I like the implications of an ‘army’ of Rorschachs and a bunch of orange masked police. I mean, I love Rorschach. He’s my favorite character in the comic but from the looks of the trailer they seem to be using his image to represent something I don’t think he stood for in the comic. They seem to be pushing a political agenda and making the Rorschach mask representative of alt-right militia. I don’t like that.

There are plenty of political over and under tones in the Watchmen comic but I’m pretty sure there was good writing along with it. These days most writers think if they hit you over the head with their political agenda they are writing well. All that does is split the viewership and make a bad show.

I’m hoping I’m wrong. I would like to see a good Watchmen TV show, but after the trailer, I’m not so sure this is the Watchmen I’ll be watching…

We’ll see.