The Red Team Meets the Tiny Sentinels

X-Men: Red #4 The Hate Machine: Part 4: Small Problem by Tom Taylor, Mahmud Asrar, and Rain Beredo. Published by Marvel Comics, 2018.

The Red team was heading back to Wakanda as we closed out the last issue and just before they got there, Storm showed up. The only problem was she wasn’t there to help out but to attack. It seems she is under the influence of something called a sentinite that is causing her to hate and attack mutants. With Storm’s assault and the sentinite menace the team needs a better place to rest and recover so they visit King Namor. Jean hopes that they’ll be safe from the miniature airborne underwater but we’ll have to wait till next issue to see if that holds true.

I can definitely say this is a Read for me as the story is intriguing and well developed so far.

You can find this issue on Marvel Unlimited, Comixology, or at your local comic book store.