Looking Back at Previous Blaugusts

With the level of activity going on in my workplace so far this month I thought it might be useful to get an idea of how things worked out during previous Blaugusts and you know what I found. August seems to be a pretty busy month for me at work. I suppose July usually has Comic-Con in it so I’ve had a bit of a break during the previous month and then August kicks in and I get slammed. Well, I’ve learned from previous years to be a bit more organized and prepared for times when I am overwhelmed at work so I’ve got post ideas ready made and prepared for touching up. Today though, I found one that I could reference from last year and another that kinda fell into my lap.


Still using OmniFocus

On the 9th day of Blaugust in 2018 I took at look at Omnifocus and how I spent most of the day downloading and getting things set up in version 3 of that app and I’m happy to say I’m still using the tool. I think I might actually be using it more as I’ve grown into it’s idiosyncrasies and since they released a web version. I’ve also added it into my blogging workflow since I try to keep all my daily to-dos in the app. Since the main app is only available for iOS and OSX, I use the web version at work but it works pretty well to keep things going throughout the day.

The main way I’ve added Omnifocus to my blogging workflow is by flagging to-do items related to the posts I’m focused on during each day. Since I’ve been using Trello to lay out my editorial calendar I have a decent idea of what I need to be doing for the different phases of writing. Outlining, drafting, polishing, etc all get their silo on my calendar but when it comes time to get down and actually focus on those tasks I find them in Omnifocus. Basically, Trello lays out the general guide for my tasks and Omnifocus pushes me into the actual doing.

In the morning when I look at the things I want to accomplish each day I take a look at Trello to see what items are coming through the pipeline. When I see items are ready to move into the next phase, I’ll throw them into Omnifocus so I know that task needs to be done today. Then as the day progresses and I get a chance to work on my blog, I pull the task listed in Omnifocus and crank out a few. If I get something done, I go back to the editorial calendar in Trello and put another one in Omnifocus. It becomes a treadmill of progress and with both Trello and Omnifocus I always know where I’m at, what needs attention, and what my next step is…not just in my blogging but in all areas.

Oh well, I guess the key point here is that this has turned into a valuable tool that I use daily and am glad I purchased it years ago.


Reading Elantris Again

In another flash from the past, I find myself listening to Elantris by Brandon Sanderson again. When I read through the tale the first time back in 2016, I loved it and I’m doing so again. I definitely agree with my previous self for placing it in the top tier of what I’ve read over the past few years. I’ve actually started rereading it since one of the book clubs I belong to is set to read The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson this month and I felt it was a good enough excuse to jump back into a story I enjoyed so much. As I’m getting through the wonderfully crafted fantasy this second time I’m thinking I might even consider working up a web chronicle covering this novel after I’ve gone through The Rook.

Ramble 36 | Looking Back at Previous Blaugusts