The Last Day of Blaugust

This Blaugust has sure had its share of good days and bad days. From the highs of pre-planned posts and the regular organization of my editorial calendar to the lows of scrambling for a ramble and dealing with too much actual work at my job.

I actually think I managed to get more comics read this month that I have in previous months but I haven’t been able to get the time to talk about any of them. I’ve played plenty of games from League of Legends to World of Warcraft Classic, from Lord of the Rings online to Final Fantasy XIV, and I even threw in some Wakfu. But once again I didn’t have any opportunity to ramble about these experiences.

I read through hundreds of blog posts from mentors, participants, and a lot of pretty good newbies and I added some cool new sites to explore in my 6° adventures. But I didn’t get much of a chance to mention all the fun reads I had this month.

On the whole, I really enjoyed Blaugust as I do most years but I also find I tend to get really busy this Time of the year. Of course that happens but I do intend on keeping up with all the new additions to my blog roll and hopefully as things settle down as they usually do, I can roll with my 6°, review the comics I’ve read, ramble about the games I’m playing and get my editorial calendar back into shape. With the tools I’ve talked about it shouldn’t be too difficult and I’m plenty motivated.

I hope you all enjoyed Blaugust and I look forward to continuing to read up on all you have to discuss in this little corner of the blogosphere.

And hey, maybe next week, since it’s no longer August, things may calm down for me.