Canto Heads to the City of Dis

Canto #4

Writer: David M. Booher
Artist: Drew Zucker
Colorist: Vitoria Astone
Letterer: Deron Bennett
Published by IDW Publishing, 2019

Issue #4
In the last issue, we saw little Canto and his Malorex friend taking on the Hermit and his Kraken. While the odds looked stacked against our hero, it turned out that the Hermit was fairly benign. He was actually a former Slaver who had grown tired of their subservience to the Shrouded Man.

Yup…it seems that there is a chain of slavery and oppression going on in Canto’s world. His people just happen to be on the bottom rung of the ladder with the Slavers marginally above them. It also appears that the current masters were once the slaves.

The whole hierarchy of servitude culminates with the Shrouded Man. this mysterious figure is the kingpin who holds the heart of Canto’s beloved. And this is the evil that Canto must confront.

With training accomplished and a determination to fulfill his quest, Canto heads to the Emerald Tower in the City of Dis to face off against this nemesis.

In this issue, Canto meets some new friends, faces some very large enemies, and encounters a trio of witches as he sneaks into Dis and heads to the Tower.

With the bad a guys getting larger and meaner, I worry for our little hero but have faith that he’ll find his beloved’s heart. I just hope it’s not too late.

VerdictRated a Must Read

I am still loving this series and am happy to rate this issue a Must Read.

This comic can be found on Comixology or at your local comic book shop.

Comic Corner | Reading Recommendation of Canto #4