Friday Doesn’t End the Work Craziness

Well, it turns out Friday is not exempt from the craziness at work this week. I barely had any time to breathe, but I was able to finish off the final installment of the Mace Windu story from Marvel, and I fought the last two innings of the Angels – Rangers game. Other than that, I had my nose to the grindstone today, just like all the other days this week.


Mace Windu Kicks Ass!

With the Jedi sending Windu to Hissrich to deal with a group of Separatists, I wasn’t expecting what I got, but I enjoyed the show. He really is one of my favorite characters in the Star Wars universe, and I feel he didn’t get enough coverage in the movies. I suppose the story in those was focused on some significant others, but I still would have liked to see more about this Jedi. And with this story arc, I got some of the background and experience of Mace that I’ve always wanted.

In this final issue of the series, we get to see what the Jedi is made of as he takes on AD-W4 and then makes a stand in the Jedi Council that I was surprised to see.

It was a pretty good series.


Rangers and Angels

Today I got to see the first taste of what my Angels team will be up against in the American League West. Texas made some pretty nice moves this offseason, and I think they dramatically improved their team. We’ll see how much improved and if they were able to make larger strides than the Angels, but for today, my team won pretty handily.

Young outfielder Jo Adell picked up a double, and an RBI and Shohei Ohtani nabbed a single and an RBI, so it looks like things are moving in the right direction at least for the offense. On the pitching side, things were pretty good too as Heaney pitched a couple of innings giving up an unearned run, and while Barria gave up three hits in his three innings of work, he held the Rangers scoreless.

I think things worked out in this game even without Rendon and Trout, and I’m happy to see the pitching show that they’re ready to throw hard.

Let’s hope my team is ready to take on the rest of the AL West.


It’s a Wrap

Once again, work stress gets a little better with some Spring Training baseball and a comic book. This time, the Angels pulled off a satisfying win against a division opponent, and Mace completed his mission for the Jedi Council. I’d say that was a pretty good day.

Ramble 2020.01.09 | Friday Doesn’t End the Work Craziness