Running after a Guardian of the Universe

It’d actually be cool to be running with a purpose other than just staying in shape, but I’m ok with my simple goal. With the China Flu shutdown I asked my doctor what I should be doing and he recommended I continue my running program. Little did he know that my ‘program’ was really just a desire to get out running again. With the social distancing policies in place though, I have gotten out for a run a bit and I’m enjoying it.

I figure I’m enjoying my running more that the Green Lanterns are though since they’re trying to catch up to and protect a Guardian of the Universe.


A New Type of Ring

Green Lanterns #8

In the last issue, Simon had to prove himself to his mother by baking the Halloween cookies but as he did so, Rami, the Guardian of the Universe that Simon and Jessica were watching over, ran off. He was saying something about the Dominators as he disappeared.

In this issue we learn that millennia ago Rami created something called the Phantom Ring and apparently this ring can be used by anyone. He’s got it here on Earth and if anyone gets they’re hands on it, particularly the Dominators, it could mean a lot of trouble for the Lanterns.

Simon and Jessica need to find the Guardian and prevent anyone from using the Phantom Ring, but things are a bit complicated by the fact that it’s Halloween and kids are dressed up as all kinds of heroes and aliens. Some even look similar to ancient Guardians of the Universe.

Will they be able to find Rami before the Dominators do?



Well, I wasn’t able to get out in the wild yesterday because of some pretty serious rain, I did manage to put in a bit of a run this morning. 30 minutes isn’t much but I feel pretty goo that I’m getting back into a positive fitness pattern. Leave it to a world-wide pandemic for me to start getting myself back into shape.

Actually while I don’t know how many people were out running regularly before this stay-at-home stuff was put in place, I do see a bunch of people out running when I go out. It’s also nice to see some of my neighbors who I haven’t met even though I’ve been living here for over 10 years.

With the China Flu and the recent seemingly non-stop rain we’ve been having here in San Diego, it’s a nice break to get out of the house to run.

Early on in the shutdown, I did drive by my favorite spots at the bay where I usually park and run, but the mayor/governor has shut down all public parks, beaches, bay, etc. It really sucks but I suppose it’s worked well since we’re doing okay here in California.

Hopefully you are all doing well and dealing with the various quarantines in your own way.


It’s a Wrap

One of these days I’m gonna have to do some research to find out which came first – the Guardians of the Galaxy or the Guardians of the Universe. Today, on Blapril Day 12, I’m not planning on doing that research but instead just try to get through the quarantine that’s going on.

I hope you are all healthy and maintaining your physical social distancing while keeping in touch with people through responsible mechanisms.

Ramble 2020.01.42 | Running after a Guardian of the Universe