Fighting Furies and Thoughts of a Better Future

Canto has finally made it to the City of Dis in issue #5 and he’s starting to face some pushback from the Shrouded Man. This Big Bad has now sent his Furies after Canto and his band of friends to try to stop their progress. Apparently the Shrouded Man is afraid of little Canto and what he might be ableto accomplish if he scales the Emerald Tower.

And as Canto make his way forward, I take a look backward to a time when I enjoyed looking into the future…or at least enjoyed watching a show that portrayed a fairly decent and positive outlook on the way things would be in the future. Star Trek: The Original Series was a great show! I’ve enjoyed it ever since I was introduced to it and I think in this time of stress and craziness, I should go back to a touchstone of optimism and positivity to bring a little bit of sunshine into my life.


Fighting the Furies

Canto #5

This is the penultimate issue of the first arc of Canto and as usual, I am loving this story.

Canto has made it into the city of the Shrouded Man and is headed towards the Emerald Tower but he still has obstacles to overcome.

The Shrouded Man has many minions that protect him and the dreaded Furies are his next challenge. Will Canto and his friends, the loyal Malorex and the female warrior, be able to best these creatures and advance to the top of the Tower?

And once in the Emerald Tower, will Canto be able to find the heart of his princess?

I’m eager to get to the conclusion of this story and find out how Canto defeats the Shrouded Man in the next issue…he will win won’t he?


Pilot Project: Star Trek

With so much going on in the world these days I thought it would be a good time to revisit something that is comforting for me (other than gaming)…Star Trek. I actually have wanted to rewatch and explore the original series again since it has been a few years.

Back in college I used to watch Star Trek every night as I would fall asleep. Back then we didn’t have 500 channels and streaming on demand but we did have local channels that were always looking for content to air in the middle of the night. Star Trek was an easy one since it had been around for a while and though it did not have 100 episodes, I bleieve there were different rules for syndication back then.

Anyway, it’s been a while since I watch the series in order. Sure, I’ve watch episodes here and there but I want to step through the seasons and take a look back at the show I loved then and I’m sure will enjoy again.

With that in mind, I’m gonna start up with the pilot episode – The Cage – tomorrow and while I’m gonna start just rambling about my thoughts on the episode. I am thinking of perhaps jumping into a deeper look down the road. I figure, why not – I’ve seen plenty of people discussing the shows they watch, why shouldn’t I?

We’ll see how it goes but for the most part, I want to do this since I know how much enjoyment I get outta these episodes and how they draw my thoughts back to a time when the future was a happy place to think about…we didn’t have to worry about any diseases or climate change, we didn’t have constant attacks on the President of the country, and we actually had a media that held truth above thier personal politics. Sure, there were plenty of agendas in the old Star Trek stories and maybe those will bother me as much as the crapy shows that are on the air today…who knows?

I’m gonna give this a try though and see how things go.


It’s a Wrap

So there you have it…Canto is ready to face off against the Shrouded Man and I’m ready to jump in to a rewatch of Star Trek: The Original Series. I’m really looking forweard to both of these things. I think Canto is gonna place a smackdown on this Shrouded Man and find the heart of his beloved. Canto is determined and I have faith in him.

Star Trek is another thing I have faith in. Actually, I think Star Trek has a lot of faith in humanity. No matter how bad things got in the series, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and the team would be able to fight through and figure out a solution to any problem. The positivity and optimism highlighted in this show always made mefeel good, and right now I think it’s a good idea to have something that will make you feel good.

Stay healthy, stay socially distanced, and enjoy Blapril with the rest of the Blogosphere.

Ramble 2020.01.43 | Fighting Furies and Thoughts of a Better Future