Memories Remastered

I suppose today’s ramble is about memory again…in as much as a couple of days ago, my theme was amnesia.

Today I actually look back at how I presented things when I first started writing about how much I enjoyed The Rook and I carry forward with my reading of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic. Both involve memories, of course, and both were fun reads.

I hope you find them as enjoyable as I did.


Maybe I Already Rambled

Ok…I took a look back at my post history as it pertains to The Rook, and I now realize that I actually was rambling on about the story while building up my Web Chronicle. The only thing different from how I now envision it is that I wanted to kinda give a prelude ramble a week or so BEFORE my web chronology rather than on the same day.

You see, as I was reading through the book to write my web chronology, I actually was reading the chapters multiple times. The first was a week or so before I actually wrote the chronology. That allowed my thought process to solidify before I put together a longer post. What I did last year was then post everything together. I think I’m gonna try being more true to how I am seeing things and try to ramble about my initial reading when I actually do it rather than saving it up for the same day as when I post a chronology.

In any case, I am still gonna start over with a quick blurb for each chapter as I read to catch up to chapter 16, where I left off.

All this is kinda a mess, but I wanted to at least throw my thoughts down if anyone cared. Now that I finish this, I probably don’t really care for how I worked things out either, but I’m not gonna unwrite them.


Groundhog Day

Like I mentioned above, I already rambled about the first chapter of The Rook but what good is a ramble if you can’t find more to ramble about on the same topic.

My original rambles starting off the story can be found back on June 18th, 2019…here and here. Yup, I actually rambled twice about my chronology, but I think that was because I was just trying to start things out. The actual web chronology that I threw together can be found here.

Now for my current thoughts…

This is probably the 4th or 5th time I’ve read this first chapter, and every time I go back through it, I am excited. I really enjoyed how Daniel O’Malley drew me in and carried me along with this first chapter.
Perhaps it’s the way we get introduced to Myfanwy as she’s learning about herself or perhaps it’s the letters she’s written to her new self, I just don’t know, but I find this a very compelling opening.

Maybe I would have shortened the chapter and broken it in two, but I actually like how it not only provides the origin story but then jumps right in to the decision point. Our heroine must decide if she’s gonna follow the call to action or let it pass her by. And she was ready to jump right to the “lives happily ever after” part before she was practically given no choice.

We’ll have to keep reading to see if she ever reaches her “happily ever after” part, but for now, I’m still drawn into the mystery thriller presented here, and we haven’t really gotten to the supernatural elements yet.


Family Reunion

Since I looked at the amnesia of Raphael last time I spoke about The Rook I figured it would be appropriate to include TMNT #4 in today’s ramble as well.

Oh yeah! After the last issue where Old Hob got the jump on Raphael and Casey, I knew this issue was gonna have some intense fighting. And while our two heroes were clearly outnumbered, they held their own pretty well. It got to the point where the old cat was so frustrated with the fight he brought out a gun and was about to use it on Raph when the rest of the Turtles showed up.

It was a pretty cool family reunion, and though Raph didn’t remember his brothers, the four of them were easily able to turn the tables on Old Hob’s gang.

This was a critical issue as it sets up the origins of the turtles in greater detail and lays out an ongoing plotline for issues to come.

Now there is no doubt about why Old Hob is after the Turtles.


It’s a Wrap

Well, at least the family reunion was nice for Raphael and his brothers. It’s not clear how much time was spent apart, but it’s clear they have some catching up to do just like Myfanwy has some learning to do about her place in this world. This’ll be my 3rd time reading through The Rook and so far, I’m enjoying it again. This time though, I’m gonna push myself to get my web chronology reviews posted, so if you want to follow along, I’ll link to my old posts and then, of course, highlight new stuff in newer posts.

Blah…blah..blah..sometimes I ramble on too much.

Ramble 2020.02.02 | Memories Remastered