Could Major League Baseball be back by July?

I am certainly hopeful that we will have MLB baseball in 2020 and the latest I’ve heard is that there is a proposal to get things started in June. No, there won’t be actual games starting right away but I’ve heard there will be a “second Spring training” beginning in mid-June. That would be great!

Of course there are so many rumors going around and multiple different plans being floated that it’s nearly impossible to get a handle on what’s really gonna happen.

I’ve heard ideas about a July 1 Opening Day across the nation, regional realignments for the year, and even a season that takes place only in Arizona. But nothing is certain yet.

All I DO KNOW is that ESPN has signed the rights to air the Korean Baseball Organization.

It was rally strange flipping around the TV channels and finding baseball on. And it wasn’t an old, historical game. Nope…actual baseball. And these guys are pretty good.

Sure, nothing is going to compare to my Angels fighting is out with the Cheating Astros or the Rangers but baseball is baseball.

ESPN is gonna show six games a week and I’m gonna see if I can get into the season.

Right now it’s easier for me to watch the games while I try to figure out the Out of the Park Baseball stuff. There is so much going on in that game, so many settings and options, so many different possible things to do, and I haven’t even simulated a single game yet.

I’ll figure it out but for now I can zen out watching some Korean baseball and studying the manual.

Ramble 2020.02.20 | Could Major League Baseball be back by July?