Capabilities Beyond Mortal Man

With Jessica and Thufir exploring each other’s abilities and Chicken Noodle learning about the wonders of Agartha, today is a day of discovery. Discovery of the powers of the Bene Gesserit, the powers of a Mentat, and the powers that run and allow the magic of Secret World Legends.


A Trip to Agartha

After meeting her Illuminati overlords yesterday and dealing with their induced hallucinations, Chicken Noodle was ready to get into solving some of the problems in Secret World Legends. And her journey began with a trip to a strange place called Agartha.
Agartha is the hub of the Secret World and the central location for accessing the various places the Illuminati, the Dragon, and the Templars have operations. Once in Agartha, Noodle meets the Station Master, who explains the portals in The Hollow Earth and how everything branches out from the Tree of Life. He then gives her a device that allows her to travel the ways and points her to the portal leading to Kingsmouth Town and the adventures of Secret World Legends.


Who is the Spy

Things get interesting in chapter 17 of Dune as Duncan Idaho gets drunk and inadvertently informs Jessica that some of the Duke’s men consider her a spy for the Harkonnen. This leads to a confrontation between Jessica and Thufir Hawat, where each accuses the other of being an agent of the enemy.
Of course, we know that neither is the actual traitor, but this is a fantastic scene where we get to learn a bit more about both Bene Gesserit and Mentat’s capabilities. The two end up in agreement that there is a spy, and it is most likely neither of them, but they need to figure out who is acting for the Harkonnen.

Rated a Must Read

This is another Must Read chapter for the insights we learn about both Jessica and Hawat.

Ramble 22 Badger 32| Capabilities Beyond Mortal Man