Sharkey and The Matrix

Today was another relaxing day since I wanted to take an extra day off work. I figured it would be good to give everyone a head start in getting back to the office and checking if they wanted to pass COVID around to each other. I decided to play things safe, take an extra day, and see if anyone caught anything over the holiday before I go in tomorrow.

As things stand, I was able to watch the new Matrix movie and get a little gaming time in.

Deja Vu in the Matrix

Interestingly enough, I decided about a month ago to rewatch the Matrix trilogy, and what do you know…they came out with a fourth film. I’m not sure what I think of it yet, though.

It was fun jumping back into that world, and I certainly enjoyed seeing Neo and Trinity back in action, but I’m not sure where I feel this story fits in the whole Matrix world.

Someday I’m sure I’ll rewatch this show, and I’ll have more to say about my thoughts, but for now, I feel it’s sufficient to say that I enjoyed the movie. It brought back plenty of memories of the original trilogy, and I think it did a pretty good job tying itself into the originals.

Sure, everyone is older, and they left out the original Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving, but I think those were decisions I could live with. Bringing Doogie Howser in as a Shrink was a bit much, though. But then it was worth it to see Trinity kick the crap outta him.

Anyway, I’d recommend it but I’d also suggest going itno the film with an open mind. It’s not the original trilogy but I think it does a pretty good job…at least better than the Star Wars Prequels or Sequels.

Neekerbreakers and Sharkey’s Buddies

After spending time organizing my bags and crafting the past few game sessions I was finally back to questing today and I was out hunting. I had a deed I wanted to finish off by killing Neekerbreekers in the Midgewater Marchs and on the shores of Halecatch Lake in Bree-land. But as I was marching along collecting my count, I found myself down in Andrath where I had another quest.

I was headed towards a fateful battle between myself and Sharkey’s Lieutenant. He’s been running the band of half-orc brigands in the South and has been causing too much trouble to be ignored.

Fortunately, at level 15 I was more than a match for even a Deadly level Lieutnant. He did cheat and call upon some of his buddies during the fight, but I was still able to heal my way through thanks to both my bear and human form heals.

Vanqushing this foe and turning in the quest netted Pangolyn enough experience to reach level 16 so I felt I had made some good accomplishements for the day.

I know there will soon be an expansion but I am happy where I am at right now and with the pace that’s I’m advancing. I’ll catch up to the expansion soon enough.

Overall, today was a good day, and I hope you all had an interesting and enjoyable day as well.

Ramble 79 Cheetah 24| 2022.3 | Sharkey and The Matrix