A Change in the Wild Card Plans

As the NCAA March Madness got rolling this week, I noticed there was not just a single Wild Card match, but there were actually 4 Play-In games. Eight teams got to make one final statement as to why they should make it into the big tournament. So I was thinking…I’ve got a few games that I expected would make a pretty good run in my tournament that haven’t made it to a proper seeding yet, so let’s have some Play-In matches.

Four matches seem appropriate, so I will be picking the 15 seed for each of the divisions and then picking 8 teams, two for each division that will fight for the last spots in the tournament.

So the 15th seed for each bracket is:

Planescape Torment

And for the 8 teams competing head-to-head to try to make it into the tournament, I will put those together soon…as I break from the RNG factor and pick the 8 teams I think deserve a chance to make the tournament.

Ramble 118 | Dingo 44 | 2022.54 | A Change in the Wild Card Plans