Blaugust 2022 Day 17

Today was simply a 3 Troll day. Too much work…Too little sleep…Two losses.

No Rundowns or Goods today, and no creator appreciation other than the congratulations for people that are continuing on in Blaugust. Today was a crummy day. It started with me waking 2 hours before my alarm went off this morning. That would not be too bad usually, but I was unable to fall back asleep. Coupled with the fact that I was trying to wake early to get a good start to the day, I was exhausted when I finally got out of bed – Troll #1.

With a start to the day that was way too early, I set about trying to get things moving in the right direction. I did my morning routine and practiced my Miracle Morning, and got my daily run taken care of. 3.35 miles was not a bad expedition, but I was wiped out afterward because of the lack of sleep. On to work, I went and was immediately thrown into chaos. My plans for the day were to tackle a few reviews and continue with the development project I’ve been working on…too bad I had plans at all since things were thrown sideways right away. Out of the blue, we received an update to one of our prime APIs that we base some of our applications on, and the update was not a simple change. We actually had some serious work in front of us to get things on track before the weekend…too much work if you ask me – Troll #2.

So there I was, with too little sleep and too much work, but I set my head on straight and was determined to push through and get a bunch of things accomplished today. Then Troll #3 hit, and while it was nowhere as significant as the first two, it really continued my downward trajectory as I found out both the Angels and Padres lost. Actually, I usually don’t let silly things like baseball get me down, but I really feel like I’ve had little good news on that front for months. I know I have no direct control over how my team does, but I still feel the ups and downs of the season when my teams perform well or, as typically, poorly.

Anyway, so far, today has been on a downward spiral such that I don’t have the motivation to compile a better post than this. I’m sure things will improve…my teams will play better, I’ll take a nap or go to bed early, and I’ll get all my tasks done at work, but for now, I am just gonna sit down here and take a break since I really feel like a dwarf with a sack over his head waiting for the trolls to decide if I’d taste better squashed into jelly or boiled.

Ramble 203 | Falcon 11 | 2022.149 | Blaugust 2022 Day 17