Variety Rather Than Quantity – Week 3 Day 3 [EXE]

Today, along with my core exercises, I did a bunch of small sets of different exercises. I wanted to go for variety today rather than quantity and I think it worked. I enjoyed the exercises and felt pretty good. My 2 sets of 30 push-ups was tough at the end though – that second set really made me struggle today. It has been a long time since I have done 60 push-ups in one day, much less in a half hour. My run was good and I felt that I am getting comfortable with the 15 minutes. It was a bit breezy today though, so I did not go as far. Tomorrow I will probably be taking a rest day since I have a number of appointments to take care of and will have difficulty finding time to put in my exercises.

Week 3 Day 3:

  • 10 High Knees
  • 10 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Knee-to-Elbows
  • 10 Standing Leg Raises
  • 10 Jumping Knee Tucks
  • 10 Reverse Lunge Kicks
  • 2×30 Push-ups
  • 2×25 seconds Plank
  • 5 Plank Reaches
  • Running – 15:16 minutes = 1.32 miles