When I woke up today and looked at the calendar, I didn’t realize it. I didn’t even realize it as I got ready for and drove into work. No one announced it on the radio or on any website I looked at this morning. But when I decided to take a look at my Brain, I realized the days were getting close, but I didn’t understand just how close. So I called up http://www.timeanddate.com and entered in today’s date and the date of the start.

Low and behold, 100 days.  

Comic-Con is 100 days away…let the excitement (at least mine) begin.
So what am I going to do about it…I’m excited I got tickets for all 4 days and preview night, so…I don’t know.

I think I’m gonna try to learn more about the show, the awards handed out at the show, and what they have planned.

So for day 100, I learned that there are 100 days until Comic-Con.

Comics Corner 1.8