#2018MMM Sweet Sixteen Results

The battles of the Sweet Sixteen took place last night and boy were there some interesting contests.

In the Antecessor division, The #1 seeded tank Doedicurus defeated the #4 seeded Andrewsarchus mongoliensis!

And in a battle that took 2 sets of Twitter commentaries, the 3rd seeded Dimetrodon (sailback) was taken down by the 2nd seeded Amebelodon (elephant) with the victory recorded in a 2nd thread…

In the “When the Kat’s Away” division, the #2 seed Anaconda fights the #3 seed Komodo Dragon over a deer carcass but the snake decides the lizard is a better meal. It’s a battle that was not without consequences as the Anaconda is bleeding with the venom of the Dragon slowing it down. This could prove troublesome in the Elite Trait round.

And the 1st-seed Orinoco Crocodile has bird feet for dinner curtesy of the 5th-seed Secretary Bird! The bird manages to escape the battle alive though.

In the Great Adaptations division, the #1 seed Pygmy Hippo scares off the opportunistic #4 seed Tasmanian Devil!

And the 2nd seed Cheetah watches as the 3rd seed Crabeater Seal overheats on the plains of the Serengeti.

In the Urban Jungle division, the #3 seed Berlin Boar gets a rump full of quills as she backs into the #7 seed Porcupine. That wasn’t very conducive to a successful contest as the Porcupine wins.

Finally, the #1 seeded Harar Hyena chases the quicker #4 seeded Coyote across the highway and gets hit by a car.

What a night of contests! The match makers certainly got most of the seeding correct but the Urban Jungle surprised with a couple of upsets. Can the Coyote or the Porcupine hope to compete against the 1 and 2 seeds from the other divisions? Only one will even make it as we see the following battles later tonight…

  • Coyote vs. Porcupine
  • Cheetah vs. Pygmy Hippo
  • Orinoco Crocodile vs. Anaconda
  • Doedicurus vs. Amebelodon

My bracket was decimated early on but I’m pulling for the Cheetah and the Doedicurus tank but worry the Amebelodon elephant and the wiley Coyote might prove to be impressive combatants.