Some Things are Worse Than Death

Daily Ramble 189: Some Things are Worse Than Death

Opening Day of the MLB season is in the books and it didn’t turn out how I’d like for my team. Sadly, the Angels lost their first game of the year though they fought hard. It was a good game and a number of players showed some positive signs this could be a fun year.

Beyond that, I started thinking about the upcoming Avengers movie. While I most likely won’t head out to see the film on opening day, I want to know as much as I can about what’s supposed to happen in it. With that in mind, I’m gonna try to read a bunch of comics related around the movie/event… it should be fun.


A Tough Loss

Well, game one of the 2018 season is in the books for the Angels and it was a good one. They ended up losing 6–5 in the 11th inning, but they showed a lot of positive signs.

Cole Calhoun was my player of the game for the Angles as he went 3 for 5 with a home run and a triple. Pujols and Cozart also contributed a home run each but the relief pitching had a tough time shutting down the Athletics. And I think the current pitching plan for a closer by committee may not be the best. In all though, the team put together 13 hits and the pitching threw 11 strikeouts and while they left a bunch of runners on the bases, I think they fought pretty hard. Hopefully their efforts will pay off in the next contest.


Silver Surfer #34

…Even Demigods Must Dream by Jim Starlin and Ron Lim. Published by Marvel Comics, 1990.

I haven’t read much in the way of the Silver Surfer but I’ve always had a liking for the character. I think it’s because one of the first people who got me reading comics (way back when) told me the Surfer was his favorite. While I’ve got tons of options to read from Marvel and a few “projects” already in progress that I should be focusing on, I decided today to take a look at some of the comics leading up to the new Avengers movie. With that in mind, I headed over to Comic Book Herald to see what I should be reading and the first thing they mention over there for the Infinity Gauntlet is this Silver Surfer issue.

This issue centers around a dream the Surfer has that becomes all too real. In it, he meets the incarnation of Death as she brings back the spirit of Thanos to wreak havoc on the universe. So real does the dream become that the inhabitants of the dreamworld actually see the Surfer and attack him. Fortunately he breaks free from the Hall of Death and his dream but not without consequence. Somehow, Thanos has been brought back into the real world and we can only wait till the next issue to see what kind of destruction he brings with him.

I rate this issue a B+.

This comic can be found on Marvel Unlimited, Comixology or at your local comic book shop.