Cold Hulk Shoots Rocks

Daily Ramble 205: Cold Hulk Shoots Rocks

Today’s ramble looks at a trio of fairly unconnected items but they’re all tied into my activities yesterday…first, I read through the next issue of a old Man Logan, and I’m really liking the story. Next, I finished off the Industry career agent in Eve and I suppose I kinda worked around a problem they presented. Finally, I watched a baseball game in the snow. Yeah, I couldn’t believe it was snowing for the Angel game last night but they certainly were all bundled up.


Snow Day

There’s a reason they call baseball “The Boys of Summer” and it’s not because they play in 30° weather, but on Saturday the Angels played in Kansas City, Missouri and it was snowing by the end of the game. Supposedly it’s gonna be cold again today but it was extremely weird watching the game yesterday with snow falling.

Nevertheless, Mike Trout and the Angels remained red hot. Three homers – one by Trout, one by Upton, and one by Valbeuna – and the team won their 7th straight decision. Garrett Richards pitched well until he didn’t but what can you expect from someone who’s last start was in weather 40° warmer. 4 innings of lights out pitching but then he got a bit wild, gave up a run, but got outta trouble and picked up the win.

Seven in a row is pretty sweet and it moved the team to their best start in their 58 year history. Mike Trout gets my Player of the Game for this one as he smacked out his 6th home run of the season to put him in a tie for the league lead in that category. Right now though, anyone can play the hero in any given game, it’s just fun to watch them. I hope they’re able to keep this momentum going all year long.


First Look at Old Man Logan #2

Berserker, Part Two by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino. Published by Marvel Comics, 2016.
Wolverine has lived a long time (50 years beyond now) and in the last issue he finds himself sent back from the future with an opportunity to change the way things turned out. In this issue he’s working on trying to prevent the murder of his family by the “Hulk Gang”.

Apparently in Logan’s future Bruce Banner kinda goes crazy and has himself a brood of baby Hulks. These young Hulks dominate the area where Logan lives and since they don’t have to answer to anyone, they kinda make their own law…or lack of it. And unfortunately they murder Logan’s family. Now that he’s got a chance to rectify things, Old Man Logan is gonna take down Banner to stop the whole Hulk Gang problem before it starts.

But taking out the Hulk is never an easy thing.

This issue is just as fun as the first but this time we get to see Logan fight the Hulk and it’s pretty cool. He’s got strategies and tactics to use against the green guy but when they don’t work, Wolverine is perplexed…something is different…it turns out this isn’t Banner, it’s Amadeus Cho…the new Hulk.

That throws a wrench into his plans…what’s next…I can’t wait to see.

My first impression of this issue is an A-, slightly lower than the first just because it’s not the first.

This comic can be found on Marvel Unlimited, Comixology or at your local comic book shop.


Shooting Rocks

The Industry career agent has me shooting rocks, delivering stuff, and making boosters and ships. These are all good things to learn if your gonna be in the universe a long time. Particularly if your gonna be in high sec.

The corporation the MMO Book Club has moved into is more of a Low Sec and a Null Sec operation and while mining is good in those regions you really need protection before you can shoot rocks. That’s why I’m moving on to the advanced military career agent. Before I do that though, I have to finish off my time with Voenins Blune, the Industry Agent.

The last task I’ve got from him has me crafting a full-fledged frigate…the Navitas. This little warship is pretty nice, with 3 high slots, 3 low slots, and 3 mid slots that allows it to be pretty versatile. It’s also got a handy drone bay. I suppose it’s considered one of the logistics frigates but then I guess it’s been a while since I’ve played Eve…they didn’t have logistics at the frigate level last time I was playing.

In any case, the little work around I had to perform has to do with how I made the thing. Basically, the blueprint calls for a bunch of materials, some of which are not located anywhere near my current base of operations. Some are so remote that they are only found by shooting rocks in low sec or null sec. For me and my little, but indomitable Venture, those places are a bit too dangerous. So instead of daring fate, I decided to be a real industrialist and buy the ingredients for my Navitas. The Zydrine, Inogen, and Nocxium were not too expensive and it allowed me to finish up the ship and the Industry career agent.

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