A Losing Series

One outta three isn’t bad against the defending World Series Champs but it’s not what I wanted to see from my team. They shoulda taken 2 of the 3 at home if not swept Houston at home.

Barely At .500

With all the craziness of Comic-Con I go a chance to look at the scores but not watch any of the games this weekend. But apparently I would have just been saddened if I did watch the games.

Although both teams scored 15 runs in the series the Angels scored 14 of them in the last game and the offense was anemic for the first 2 games.

1–3, 0–7, and 14–5 is not how the Angels wanted to start the 2nd half. The also didn’t want to finish the first 100 games with a perfect 50–50 record. In all, this has just been a season the team did not want…too many injuries and people performing well under expectations.

In any case, my Player of the game awards go to…

  • Tyler Skaggs for Friday since he at least held the Astros to 3 runs, he was just overmatched by Keuchel and an offense that seemed to think it was still on break.
  • Nick Tropeano since he held Houston to 2 runs whilhis offense did nothing for him. It’s hard coming off the disabled list to face the best team in the division and not get any support.
  • The Offense who woke up and score the most runs all season. 14 runs actually was the most they’ve scored in years and while it was nice to see them score so much i would have preferred they spread the runs out.

With this series it seems to me the season is quickly getting away from the Angels and as they slipped below .500 things just looked like they were going from bad to worse. I can only hope the team plays more like Sunday going forward but with all the injuries and troubles they’ve had this season, it isn’t likely.

Daily Ramble 304.2 | Sports – Angels – A Losing Series