My Week in Gaming: September 15 – 21, 2018

This week I didn’t get much time to play games. Usually I spent a few hours on the weekend to put a dent into any goals I have for the month but this Saturday, the 15th, I was actually driving for a large portion of it. I went up to the baseball game between the Angels and Mariners. At the time Seattle was still in the hunt for a post season spot and I was hoping to see my team play spoiler. Too bad…while the game was good and the Angels led most of the way, Seattle pulled away at the end and my team lost.

So that drive and the 3 hour game took a chunk of my free time and then on Sunday I slept in. All that driving can take a lot outta someone. Regardless, I did get a bit of time to make some progress with my gaming goals.

Here’s a look at what did previously…

Everquest 2

In Everquest I got over the slow progress and lack of direction in the early game and leveled up to 17. I’m still a ways from my level 20 goal but I can see myself reaching it next week. One thing that’s been interesting is relearning the reality of a death penalty. EQ still make you regain experience after you die. It’s not difficult since you’re still gaining but instead of the XP applying to leveling alone it now is split between leveling and regaining what you lost…it’s kinda a pain.

The other forgettable part of Everquest is the fact that death is a real possibility in the early levels. I ended up dying a couple times in the corse of getting from 13 to 17 as I journeyed through The Caves. I had no problems in The Peat Bog but the Gnolls in The Caves have a tendency to attack in packs. I’d try to attack a single guard and end up with 3 of them beating on me. The other beast I had to watch out for was Slaverjaw. He is a giant molerat that wanders around the area and I ran into him once as I was fighting a couple of Terra Bats…oops…another death.

The bottom line is that I need to pay more attention and be careful in this game since it’s not as deathproof as Warcraft.

Secret World Legends

In SWL I’m working my way through the missions in and around the Wabanaki Trailer Park. Hunting down Jack of the Lantern, whose been in missions in each of the 3 places I’ve visited so far, hunting wendigo, and killing Bloodfang are moving me closer to finishing up the zone.
Technically I could move on if I just finished off the Dawning of an Endless Night main story mission, but even at level 41 I still want to make sure I’m ready to go. I think I’ve got about 10 more missions to go in the area so I think I’m gonna try to get through them this coming week.

World of Warcraft

In World of Warcraft, I ventured around the Crossroads in the Barrens but didn’t make too much progress. I leveled up to 17 and I have to say the only time I came close to fearing dying was when I fell off a cliff in Orgrimmar. The other difference is that as a hunter I’m feeling like I don’t have anything to do in combat. Sure, I can rotate through my abilities but for the most part it feels bland compared to the other games I’ve been playing. So much so that I’m considering putting my hunter on the back burner and jumping on a Druid or Priest.

We’ll see, but I’m sure I’ll make it to my level 20 goal in the next week and then I’ll decide what direction I want to go in.

Gaming | My Week in Gaming: September 15 – 21, 2018