A Clone Miracle

First Look Review of Punk Rock Jesus #2

While the first issue of this series focused on laying out the world and characters, this book takes a look at Chris and the ‘family’ 6 months after Christmas. With the initial excitement of the birth of the cloned baby Jesus fading, the J2 program is pulling out all the stops to keep people watching.

Genesis by Sean Murphy. Published by Vertigo Comics, 2012.

With the cloned baby Chris now 6 months old we see him perform his first ‘miracle’.

But as the months progress the stress of the TV show, being a new parent, and essentially being held captive on the island have really started getting to Gwen and she starts drinking.

And when she pours her wine into Chris’ bottle she loses control.

Sure, Slate plays it off as a second ‘miracle’ but Gwen can’t handle it…she runs away with Thomas chasing after trying to protect her. Soon they realize that things have gotten too dangerous for her in the real world as they get mobbed by fans. Which leads to one of the best panels of the issue.

The black and white art is great in this issue once again and I really like how detailed Murphy gets with some of his panels particularly when he’s presenting the background of Thomas in Ireland.

Back to the overall story…After the first issue left us on such a cool cliffhanger I was wondering how things were gonna be resolved and I have to say I’m pleased with the results. I think the relationships that are developing among the characters are carrying this series after the initial hook and I’m having fun.

If anything, I enjoyed this issue even more than the first installment so I rate it an A just like the first issue.

This comic can be found on Comixology or at your local comic book shop.

Comic Corner | First Look Review of Punk Rock Jesus #2