Quick Look At the Waterfalls Bracket of 2019MMM

The Waterfalls bracket is filled with animals that are designed for aquatic life. So mammals like the Beaver or Marine Otter are to be found in this division.

The heavy hitter is the Moose, who while deals with water quite a lot, is well adapted to handle himself on land as well. He can be really mean too.
The 2nd seeded Manatee is a great specimen of oceanic mammal who I think might do pretty well in this tournament. His large size and powerful swimming ability should help him out in the water but he’s also gonna do pretty well against smaller opponents on the land I think.

The 3rd and 4th seeds might do pretty well too. The Lowland Tapir can get pretty fierce and when the King of Westeros can be felled by a peccary, I’d say the White-Lipped Peccary can take care of themselves. I’m actually thinking little bacon can make a strong push in this division from the 4th seed.

Finally, this is one of the cuter brackets with the likes of the 8th seed, Flat Headed Cat, the 7th seed Marine Otter, and the beautiful 5th seeded Beaver. I think on cuddliness, this division may have things won already.

March Mammal Madness | Quick Look At the Waterfalls Bracket of 2019MMM