Installs and Updates

Today I didn’t get much of a chance to play too much or read to many comics, rather it was a day of updates and installs.

On my iPad I had to update to the latest iOS version to get keep things running smoothly and then I saw that Civilization VI had an expansion. Yup, Rise and Fall came out on iOS and I grabbed it as soon as I saw it. I’m sure I’ll get plenty of gaming sessions in on my iPad with it so it’s definitely worth the cost.

My other big install today was an update to Adobe. I had to update Creative Cloud and the Photoshop to keep rolling with my screenshots and I had to move a few things around on various disks and such as well.

With all that activity, I wasn’t able to get any gaming in. I did read a few comics though but since I’ve only read through the first and second issue of Y The Last Man volume 5, I don’t really have a good view of what the book is about.

I suppose the biggest news is that I finished off the major project I’ve been focused on at work. Months of effort went into this development task but it looks like things are finally at a point where I can put a bow on it and roll it over to QA for final testing. Soon it’ll be in production and I’ll be busy as a bee on another task.

In any case, it was a bust day and I have only a few minutes to put something together so here it is…

Ramble 50 | Installs and Updates