Planning my Journey in League of Legends

As I mentioned yesterday, I am looking to set up a new series of posts where I go on a Pilgrimage. The first journey I am looking at taking is in League of Legends. My long-term goal and target that I am setting out on my Pilgrimage to achieve are to experience all the champions League has to offer. Typically, I play Mage characters and mainly in the Support role. For this Pilgrimage, though, I am looking to get a better idea of the game by stepping out of my comfort zone. Not only that, but I wanted to see what a new player would go through – hopefully not all the toxicity – and start up a summoner from scratch.


Tales of Summoner’s Rift: A Pilgrimage

To make things interesting, I’m laying down a few ground rules to at least get started since we all know rules eventually get broken.

Here’s my first attempt:
1) I’m gonna play the game as Free to Play and not spend any money on purchasing champions or anything. I’ll only be using the in-game currency that is earned through gameplay and mission completion.

2) I’m going to purchase champions based on pricing tiers. Looking at the champion store, there are distinct price (of blue essence) tiers, with the first being 450 blue essence to purchase a champion. I’m gonna start at this level and march up as I earn essence and collect more champions. I have no doubt this will take me a long time to pick up all the champions, but then I don’t even have them all on my main account.

3) If I get champion shard loot, that would reduce the price of a champion to the level of the pricing tier I’m currently at, I can use the shard and purchase the champion, even though they are not technically on the pricing tier.

4) I can use any of the weekly free champions to play even if I don’t own them.

Those rules kinda lay out what I’d think a new player would do. One who wants to stick to a free-to-play model.


General Goals to Strive For

Beyond that, I have a couple of goals I’d like to shoot for…

1) Balanced Play – I’d like to try to play each of the champions I own equally, so rather than jump on my current favorites (Zyra, Morgana, Brand), I would like to experience a bunch of champs I am not familiar with and/or don’t play much.

2) Balanced Roles – I’d like to try to play all the roles equally. I plan on using the FILL option to fill in for any role. Most likely, this will result in a lot of jungle and support assignments, so if I find I am becoming unbalanced, I’ll switch to specific picks until I feel I’m playing a better spread of roles.

3) Balanced Temperament – I’d like to strive to keep an even keel while playing League. I know this may be the most difficult aspect of the game but I want to rise above the toxicity that is typical in Summoner’s Rift and dedicate myself to helping other players rather than criticizing them. Poor play needs help, not scathing words. And if I find myself the target of harsh comments I can simply turn off chat.


It’s A Wrap

I might come up with other rules and goals, but for now, this is my general plan, and as you can see, the goals I’ve laid out are not too specific. That may change as I get into the Pilgrimage.

Tales of Summoner’s Rift: A Pilgrimage|#1 Planning my Journey in League of Legends