Turtles heading back to Bree

Last night after watching the Matrix and Harry Potter, I went back and took a look at some of my old posts and came to the realization that I’d like to get back into screenshot-focused posts to some degree. So here’s my first try…

After turning in the bounty for Sharkey’s Lieutenant, Watcher Brittleleaf wanted Pangolyn to talk with Chief Watcher Grimbariar but we had a bunch of quests we were already working on.

In fact, the map we had showed quite a few destinations of interest, but we decided to head back towards Breetown to turn in a couple of other quests we had finished, and we stopped off at Grobo Dogwort’s Home.

I always love the small little houses LOTRO sprinkles around the landscape.

Anyway, Grobo’s afraid of turtles, so we had to deal with an infestation. It wasn’t a big earth-shattering quest, but it helped out the Hobbits in the area, and with all the bandits, half-orcs, and angry boars around, it’s always good to help out the commoners.

Overall, today was a good day, and I hope you all had an interesting and enjoyable day as well.

Ramble 81 Cheetah 26| 2022.5 | Turtles heading back to Bree