Picks for Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness Under Division

The Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness Under Division seems to be a division heavy in RPGs. Sure, there are a few MMOs, and we’ve got some really good games from the early years of gaming and some that are being held together by rabid fan-based support, but there are some strong RPGs here. With games like New World, which had so much promise and then failed to reach the player desires and Mass Effect, which just got a re-release/update, and Ultima Online, which is still highly popular, this is a packed division.

Here’s what my initial picks are for this division…

Now, my picks are just that, how I see things playing out. The real results will employ some randomness and ratings, some user scores, and some more randomness…along with some coin-flipping. While I pick the game I think will win or maybe the one I prefer will win, it remains for the RNG gods to determine who will actually escape each battle victorious.

In any case, I’m picking Skyrim to win the Division and reach the Final Four.

Maybe it’s kinda cheating to pick one of the most popular and highly rated games of all time as the winner of this division, but I think that’s how things will play out. Skyrim could have some tough battles against Ultima Online or New World, and I think they’ll have to get past Disco Elysium, which I predict will win the Wild Card match to make it into the tournament.

This bracket has quite a few older games that have strong fan support. Some have actually seen emulators built, and others are still bringing out expansions after a decade. Others are barely hanging on – I’m looking at you, Rift. I’d love for Rift to get some love, but things don’t look good, and as it stands, I worry that if they do win the tournament, the game may get shut down before I can reach the endgame.

All things considered, I think Skyrim is a strong competitor and would make a great entrant into the Final Four from this division.

Ramble 127 | Dingo 56 | 2022.66 | Picks for Rambling Redshirt’s Gaming Madness Under Division