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This past month has been pretty crazy. With lotsa stuff going on at the office, an uncooperative plumbing situation, the championship of the March Mammal Madness tournament, numerous TV shows coming and going, the baseball season getting rolling, and the end of my running streak, I’ve been unable to keep up with everything. So I haven’t been keeping up on my posts. Hopefully, I am starting to get things under control, though, so I can get back on track.

Of course, with things settling down a bit and my time availability opening up, I am eager to fill it with new stuff. I don’t have to bother finding new work to do while at the office, and I’ve resolved all the plumbing issues. The Pride of Lionesses won the March Mammal Madness Tournament, and TV shows are always gonna come and go. In fact, I still have the final episode of Moon Knight to watch while I just saw the latest House of the Dragon trailer today. But while I’ve kinda kept up to date with the TV shows I’ve been watching, I’ve really dropped the ball on my comic book and novel reading. I haven’t even been keeping up with the new releases from Marvel Unlimited and DC Universe Infinite…I’m definitely planning on getting back on the horse with those.

I’m also looking forward to kicking off my Gaming Tournament. I’ve been playing a bit of LOTRO and Secret World Legends here and there. Still, I want to run my tournament, so I can identify which of the games I’ve added to the competition will emerge victorious and be the game I focus on playing to completion. And as I play these games and run my tournament, I am looking forward to updating things in this space. Inspired by other bloggers that I’ve been following, I am going to try to update things to utilize the new Full Site Editor for WordPress. We’ll see how it goes, but I’m gonna at least give it a try.

Finally, I’ve already started getting my running streak back on track and am up to 10 days in a row. Since I can get that going again, I can certainly work towards getting my posting going again, and if I’m gonna be gaming and reading, watching shows, and running a tournament, I’ll have plenty to ramble about.

Oh yeah, and my Angels are in first place in the AL West, so there is that too!

In any case, I’m looking forward to babbling in this space more and more.

Ramble 139 | Dingo 74 | 2022.84 | Back for more Rambling