Gaming Goals for February 2019

I’ve been spending an awful lot of time reading books and comics these days but I want to re-focus on trying to get some game time in. With that in mind I’ve got a few goals that I’d like to target for February 2019.

First off, while I don’t know when the update is supposed to occur, I’d like to push towards advancing my characters on the Lord of the Rings progression server so that I reach max level. Since I’ve only reached around level 16 right now I most likely won’t reach max level in February but I think I can make a good showing of myself.

Next is a game that I’ve found very enjoyable lately, the Elder Scrolls Online. I played elder scrolls way back when but didn’t really get into it. This time around I’m really enjoying things and I think the game has turned a corner for me. We’ll see how things lay out this month.

Finally, I’ve started playing the latest Spider-man game on my PS4. It’s really a blast! Swinging around and shooting webs at bad guys is a whole lot of fun and I’m looking forward to seeing how the different skills work as I level up. That Kingpin battle to start off the game though was pretty rough.

I do plan to continue reading a bunch this month but I wanted to put a focus on my gaming so that I feel more compelled to make progress. Well I guess this isn’t really a set of goals, I did want to outline what I’d like to be playing. Hopefully this comes to fruition.

Oh, and as I get ready to publish I see that the MMO Book Club (or whatever they’re calling themselves this year) that I follow is heading back into Final Fantasy XIV. I really enjoyed my time in that game but let me subscription run out last year sometime. I suppose I’ll fire it up again at least for a month.

Gaming | Gaming Goals for February 2019