Review of Old Man Logan #5

First Look

Logan has accepted that he is no longer on his world as he saw the Wolverine of this world encased in adamantium in the last issue. But with that acceptance comes some things that Logan has to do. In Old Man Logan #5 he heads up to Killhorn Falls to set things in motion to prevent the anguish of at least some of the people he knew from his world.

Issue: Old Man Logan #5

Name: Bordertown: Part One
Published: 2016 by Marvel Comics



Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Andrea Sorrentino
Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo
Letterer: Cory Petit


The Good: Logan, Storm, Maureen

My Reading:

Now that Logan has accepted the reality that world he finds himself in now is not the world of his past, he sets out to work with the X-Men of this world. But first, he’s got a few things he’s gotta do. So he takes a leave of absence and heads North.

And he ends up on the Canada-Alaska border in a town that mines granite and is only accessible for 3 months outta the year.

The town brings back bad memories about Logan’s previous world where he was tricked by Mysterio to kill the X-Men. Back then, depressed about his complicity in the Villain Uprising, Logan sought to kill himself but only ended up killing Wolverine. Logan survived due to his healing factor but he was a changed man. One no longer eager to bear his claws.

Wandering in the desolation resulting from the Villain Uprising, Logan eventually found himself back where it all began…the Weapon X facility where Wolverine was born. He found more than he was looking for since other survivors of the apocalypse sought out the security of the lab and they didn’t show any signs of liking newcomers. They quickly put Logan’s new pacifism to the test and one thing that certainly remained of Wolverine was his stubbornness – he took a beating and refused to fight back.

Which was good since it helped him meet Maureen. She would go on to become his wife and mother of his children in the world where he came from. Too bad the Hulk Gang had to kill her, but that was another time and another world.

Back in his new world, Logan befriends a wolf but is admonished by a little girl that he “shouldn’t feed the strays.” She, however, is friends with the animal since she feeds him all the time. Of course, the little girl turns out to be Maureen and Old Man Logan is determined to make sure she grows up without having to experience the pain his wife did in that other world.

The only problem is, there’s a group of villains who happen to be hanging out in the snow on the Canada-Alaska border and they seem to have some kind of vendetta against Wolverine.

What did I learn:

  • Even though the Wolverine of this world is encased in adamantium, his enemies still hunt for him.
  • Maureen saved Logan from having to fight in his old world.
  • The world Logan came from and the one he is in now are close enough that Maureen exisits in voth of them.

My Thoughts:

The art in these Old Man Logan issues is so good. I really like the gritty nature of the setting and the characters that Sorrentino and Maiolo have put together. They’ve painted a wonderful picture that conveys the emotion of Logan perfectly and even the differences between the old world and new world are well delineated. They really do a good job of drawing the story and I’m encouraged that this new story seems to be as good as the first so far.

While Logan has accepted his new world he still wants to try to help people who were important to him in that other world so that they never have to experience the anguish that was thrust upon them there. Helping Maureen live normal life for a child is one way he can start making things good for those that were close to him.

My Rating: B

This comic can be found on Marvel Unlimited, Comixology or at your local comic book shop.

Daily Ramble 257.2 | Comics – Weekly Marvel – Old Man Logan #5

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