Couple of MMOs Today

Today I dabbled in a few different games as things are transitioning from June to July. The main difference for July is that the MMO Book Club is moving from Secret World Legends to Wildstar. I really enjoyed my time with them in SWL but I never did run into them all that much. While SWL is a MMO it seems that a lot of the game is focused on single player missions. That doesn’t bother me too much since I like to do things at my own pace but it was nice to chat with some guild mates, or cabal mates as they’re called in SWL, every once in a while. I also got the chance to join up with them in dungeons.

Made Level 33 and 3

I really liked getting back into SWL and enjoyed my time so much during June that I advanced and leveled further than I had ever made it, even in The Secret World. I attained level 33 and made progress past the Savage Coast and partway into the Blue Mountains. So I feel pretty good about my accomplishment for the month.

Right now, the game is celebrating it’s one year anniversary and I’ve been logging in almost every hour this weekend to try to beat up on the hourly Talos boss. I’m hoping to get all the bosses killed before the July 17th conclusion but so far I’ve only picked up 5 of the 11. Somehow I keep getting duplicates. Oh well.

The other game I played today was Wildstar. The MMO Book Club is headed there in July so I started up a new character. I’m gonna try out an Enigineer this time.

It’s been quite a while since I played any Wildstar and while I did like the Esper, since the club is playing for the opposite faction I figured I’d try something different.

We’ll see how things work out as an Engineer (who’s part dps and part tank) but I can always swap if I decide I’d rather be a dps/healer rather than a dps/tank. In any case, I made it to level 3 as I finished off the tutorial.

Tomorrow I’m planning on running through another daily challenge in SWL and trying to grab another Talos kill, but mainly I think I’m gonna focus on Wildstar to get things going in that game.

Daily Ramble 282.2 | Gaming – SWL, Wildstar – Couple of MMOs Today